The Sky World School I Best CBSE School in Panchkula

We as school & parents want our children to be happy, healthy & progressing

  We as school and parents want our children to be happy, healthy and progressing. It has always been important to monitor their behavior, interactions and the company they keep, etc. it has become much more important and challenging to effectively do the same because of the healthy use of digital devices and online network. Parents must take some of the steps like checking up children’s web history or social media profile, look through their cell phone history or even use tact based parental control especially for young teens. It is also important to set rules based on time of day, frequency of use and location of use. theSKYworldschool invites parents to share their experiences with various ways and with what works and what does not for different age groups. Let us work together to enable our children to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually healthy so that they build a better society for themselves and for all around them.
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