Multiple Intelligence Theory
Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of Education at the Harvard University, suggested that intelligence is beyond the notion of I.Q., and thus proposed a theory in the year 1983, known as Multiple Intelligence Theory. This theory provides insight into 8 different categories in order to know the broad range of human potential in children and adults as well. The categories are as under: • Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart) • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart) • Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart) • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart) • Musical Intelligence (Music Smart) • Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) • Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self-Smart) • Naturalist Intelligence (Nature Smart) Intelligence is measured on how well a person has done or is doing in his academics. Dr. Gardner’s theory differs from this statement. It says that a person who can sing well is as intelligent as a person who can perform surgeries, i.e., a doctor. Although the equation would differ a little, the ability to acquire knowledge remains the same. As one of the top 10 CBSE school in Panchkula, we feel that our education culture gives more importance to students who are good with math rather than students who are inclined towards dancing, and thus do not receive much boosting from teachers or parents for that matter. Such children, when not given proper recognition end up being depressed and get disinterested in studying. This results in poor performance in exams and are thus labeled dumb or unintelligent. The talent in a child, whatever it may be, should be recognized and the child should be motivated to work hard towards his dream. Since every child has a different mental capacity, it is almost impossible to turn every child into a doctor or engineer. This world needs more people who can paint, sing, dance, design and thus flourish in their niche. We, at Skyworld School, being the best CBSE school in Panchkula, believe that every child’s need should be catered. It is our responsibility to direct our students on the path that they want to follow.
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