Application of Technology for Safety, Communication & Learning is an integral part of the school system. This benefits all the stakeholders and also supports the objective of continuous improvement.
Remind App
This application, one of the most advanced digital tools globally, keeps parents informed about their child on the mobile phone. CCTV and GPS enabled Transport System
To ensure safety of the children, the school buses of theSKYworldschool are GPS and CCTV enabled and parents can track buses. This not only enables adherence to the route guidelines but also equips the school to take the appropriate steps in case of emergency. Tech Smart Classroom
Each of our Tech classrooms has networked computer and projector. Teachers make extensive use of electronic network and the internet to locate resources for student projects, download activities, videos and relevant material. Our tech smart classroom teaching learning process prompts, supports and sustains student learning in more varied, intelligent and effective way. It encourages them to participate in learning by enabling them to take notes and create digital projects.